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Dear Parent,

Hi there,

We are Alan Hable and Chad Frank, and together we make up the Collegiate Church Network National LT Director Team. We serve the directors of each program in planning and preparing for their summer. We are excited that your son or daughter is interested in attending one of our Leadership Training programs! We are honored to serve and train students at these summer programs. Thank you for taking the time to get informed and educated on our ministry and our LT programs.  


Leadership Training (LT) is Collegiate’s summer training program for college students. Since 1980, the LT experience has been a turning point in the lives of thousands of students. LT is a unique summer experience designed to inspire students to become leaders for Christ. It is a training ground designed to help each student grow in their relationship with God, forge healthy relationships with others, develop personal and spiritual maturity, gain practical Biblical instruction, enhance life skills, and make an impact in their community. The assessment as well as the payment systems for LT are administered by Reliant Mission, a Collegiate Church Network ministry partner in Orlando, FL.


We support you as a parent, and truly desire that you be informed about LT programs and what they involve. In fact, we require most applicants to obtain their parent’s written advice/permission before they can be accepted into one of the programs. Your comments are essential in our consideration of your son or daughter’s acceptance into LT. You can learn more about the LT program here on our website. Specifically, you may wish to visit the Details page and the Finances page for the location your son or daughter wants to participate in — either Estes Park LT or Adirondack LT.


On behalf of Collegiate and the LT program, we again want to thank you for taking the time to get informed and educated on our ministry and our LT programs. 

In His Service, 
Alan Hable & Chad Frank (National LT Director Team)

For questions, contact Alan
tel 217.377.8302 | email


Leadership Training is run by Collegiate Church Network and administrated by Reliant Mission